
Tuition is charged per hour for the total amount of classes your dancer is enrolled in weekly

30 minutes $30
45 minutes $40
1 hours $50
1.5 hours $65
2 hours $80
2.5 hours $90
3 hours $105
3.5 hours $115
4 hours $130
4.5 hours $140
5 hours $153
5.5 hours $165
6 hours $175
6.5 hours $185
7.0 hours $199


  • Your Monthly Tuition and Registration Fee is due at the time of your dancer’s first class.  This is a one-time, non-refundable Registration Fee of $40. There is no registration fee for summer classes. 
  • Tuition will be due on the 1st of every subsequent month and will be applied to your credit card on file. If the card on file declines, your account will be charged $25. Payments made after the 10th of the month will incur a $20 late fee. Tuition is based on the number of classes for the full year and divided evenly through-out the 10 months. Because of this, months that are shorter or have weeks off due to school breaks are still the same price.
  • Our season runs August through the end of May. Dancers may register for new or additional open classes at any time during the season.  Dancers are also welcome to drop in to open classes for a $12.00 fee. 
  • There are size restrictions regarding the number of dancers in each class.  Make sure to register early to secure your spot!  Also, it is EDC policy that a class must have at least 3 dancers otherwise the class will be removed from the schedule. 
  • We offer a sibling discount of $5 off tuition for the sibling(s). We also offer a 3% discount if paid in cash before the 10th of the month (this saves us money on credit card fees). 
  • Costumes fees are $100 per class and payment will be split over the course of 2 billing periods. Students will be sized for costumes during the month of October. All measurements will be adjusted to account for growth before your student receives the costume. We will not send home costumes until all students in the class have received their costumes. All costume fees are non-transferable or refundable.
  • Cancellation Policy: We understand that life happens, kids decide to try other hobbies, and sometimes it just doesn't work to stay in dance. For this reason, we do allow drops through-out the year with no additional fee (for recreation classes). We do however require a drop form to be filled out before the 15th of the previous month, any drop forms filled out after the 15th will be pushed to the next month in order for us to fill your child's spot in the class. (If you would like to cancel for February, you would need to fill out a drop form before the 15th of January.) No refunds will be given for classes unattended or any registration fees, costume fees, competition fees or recital fees paid. To get a drop form, please email us and we will respond within 24 hours.